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Ocelot: The Boss has a close friend high up in the Russian government. He's currently the head of the Spetsnaz. He's agreed to purchase this new nuclear weapons system. The Hind was just a downpayment.
Snake: So you're in this for money?
Ocelot: I don't need money. I want Russia to be reborn to lead a brave, new world order.
«Metal Gear Solid» (game)
Ocelot: We live in a sad age. Imperialism, totalitarianism, perestroika... 20th century Russia had its share of problems, but at least they had an ideology. Russia today has nothing. They're struggling between freedom and order. And with that struggle, a new spirit of nationalism has been born.
«Metal Gear Solid» (game)
Otacon: No, I haven't found out about the override system yet, but I found Baker's ulterior motive.
Snake: He's just looking to get rich, isn't he?
«Metal Gear Solid» (game)
Otacon: And that's not even the scariest thing about this weapon.
Snake: I can't wait to hear this.
Otacon: It's a stealth weapon!
«Metal Gear Solid» (game)
Miller: War brings out the cruelty of man. No matter how the soldier was brought up, they all turn into animals when they thrust into the heat of combat.
«Metal Gear Solid» (game)
Miller: Naturally, in an enclosed room, your motion is limited. But that doesn't mean that you should stand still and become a human target. You can win if you watch how your enemy moves and then cleverly counter it.
«Metal Gear Solid» (game)
Campbell: Snake, blow away all the bad guys or you're not going to be able to get out of there and get to the underground base.
«Metal Gear Solid» (game)
Snake: Words like fate, karma... it's just an excuse for giving up if you ask me...
«Metal Gear Solid» (game)
Sniper Wolf: Well I'm going to send you a love letter, my dear. Do you know what that is? It's a bullet straight from my gun to your heart.
«Metal Gear Solid» (game)
Sniper Wolf: Snake, I'm near.
«Metal Gear Solid» (game)
Sniper Wolf: Don't get between wolf and its prey!
«Metal Gear Solid» (game)
Snake: Otacon? How'd you get here?
Otacon: It wasn't as dramatic as your entrance, believe me.
«Metal Gear Solid» (game)
Campbell: What's the matter, Snake? You out of shape from all that dog mushing?
«Metal Gear Solid» (game)
Mei Ling: «O, he's a limb, that has but disease; mortal, to cut it off; to cure it easy». Snake, you caught a cold, didn't you? Don't you think you'd better take some cold medicine at least.
«Metal Gear Solid» (game)
Miller: You caught a cold, Snake? In battle you need to be in top physical condition. Do you have any cold medicine?
«Metal Gear Solid» (game)
Snake: So patriotism is your excuse for circumventing the Constitution?
«Metal Gear Solid» (game)
Ocelot: I hope you can still look at yourself in the mirror, my friend.
«Metal Gear Solid» (game)
– Несмотря ни на что, я просто счастлива, что вы пригласили меня. Я сколько раз пыталась представить себе ваш дом, хотелось знать условия, в которых приходится работать дорогой Мейбэль.
– Условия отличные. Особенно приятно, что у нас тут прикончили одну леди.
«Agatha Christie's Great Detectives Poirot and Marple» (anime)
– Могу ли я Вам чем-нибудь помочь? Я в домашних делах дока.
– Мистер Браун, Вы можете готовить?
– Да. Могу поджарить яичницу с беконом, поджарить бифштекс, и, к тому же, я довольно хорошо открываю консервы.
«Agatha Christie's Great Detectives Poirot and Marple» (anime)
– Попался, эскалоп!
– Эскулап.
«Дикий» (russian TV series)
Liquid: He's doing it again... Snake is packing everyone off one by one, just like he did on Shadow Moses. Mantis, Wolf, Raven, Octopus, Vamp... The list goes on.
Ocelot: As I recall, Liquid, you're on that list too. Dead as a doornail, just like all the others.
Liquid: Ah, but that's just not true... now, is it? I live inside you now, Ocelot. Both of us cellmates in that skull prison of yours. However... We both can't exist in this crowded space much longer. A mental breakdown is imminent. Very soon, one of us will be forced to vacate the premises for good. Better start packing your bags...
Alex Garner, Ashley Wood, «Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty» (comic)
Snake: So... Before we perforate each other just answer me one question. Just who side are you on this time.
Ninja: The same side I've always been on. Mine.
Snake: Uh-huh. But there's definitely someone else pulling your strings. So, pardon me if I'm just a tad skeptical at this point in time.
Ninja: You didn't have to respond to my communique. You didn't have to come to Big Shell.
Snake: Yeah, but I've been known to put myself into really stupid situations, so don't start patting yourself on the back yet. Trust is something you earn. Capice?
Alex Garner, Ashley Wood, «Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty» (comic)
Snake: Emma Emmerich?
Emma: Huh...? You have to be Solid Snake. My brother told me all about you.
Snake: Hmmm... Well, don't believe half of what he says. I'm really not that bad of guy.
Alex Garner, Ashley Wood, «Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty» (comic)
Snake: Emma Emmerich?
Emma: Huh...? You have to be Solid Snake. My brother told me all about you.
Snake: Hmmm... Well, don't believe half of what he says. I'm really not that bad of guy.
Alex Garner, Ashley Wood, «Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty» (comic)