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– Те копы сейчас в раю и опознают нас только на спиритическом сеансе.
«Baby Driver» (movie)
Note: Mihari talks in gyaru accent.
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
// Translator's note
– Nice job not getting your skirt wet. That's quite a dexterous feat!
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
You have won! Your victory has enabled humankind to evacuate Earth and escape the nightmare. Now you are the only human left on the face of the planet. Cannibal Mutations, Carnivorous Aliens, and Evil Spirits are your only neighbors. You sit back and wait for death, content that you have saved your species.
But then, Earth Control beams down a message from space: "Sensors have located the source of the Alien invasion. If you go there, you may be able to block their entry. The Alien base is in the heart of your own home city, not far from the starport". Slowly and painfully you get up and return to the fray.
«DOOM II» (game)
Mahiro has forgotten She once was a boy before.
«There are no brakes in TSF train».
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
// Translator's note
Mahiro: Uwah! There it is, research mode!
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
Kaede: I'M SUUUUPER COLD! ☆ ...fashion is all about perseverance! Bare legs are high school girl's privilege!..
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
Mihari: «To make onii-chan a proper human being...»
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
Mahiro: Food tastes better after some hard work! The joy of manual labor...
Mihari: From you of all people... Then how about you work more?
Mahiro: No thank you!
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
Mahiro: All I need to be happy is a full belly and an afternoon nap.
Mihari: You should learn the joys of manual labor...
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
Mihari: Good luck being a girl this year, too!
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
Miyo: Why don't we go back to our roots and observe some Asahi x Momiji?..
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
Miyo: Hey, hey! How should we make the cookies?
Mahiro: Miyo-chan, are you good with snacks?
Miyo: I love making them!
Mahiro: Eh? What a coincidence! I just love eating them!
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
// «Как Вы относитесь к помидорам?» – «Кушать люблю, а так – не очень».
Miyo: They really stand out when I wear the gym uniform, and it's so embarrassing... But we wear jerseys in the winter so it's okay for now.
Mahiro: «Big ones have it tough too... There's so much to learn about boobs».
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
Kaede: If that's the case, then just leave it to onee-san! I'll be sure to give you two a through teaching! ☆
Mahiro: «That was vaguely lewd!»
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
Mahiro: ...alright, the true night starts now... This is when online gamers get serious! A savage time in which the number of casuals drop...
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
*loli hug*
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
Mahiro: «Who'd have thought that I'd have to go through middle school again... AND AS A GIRL...»
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
Asahi: How you're a lazy piece of trash that's terrible with other people!
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
Tips: If you grew a dick... don't panic, get your little sister to check that PHYSICALLY.
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
// Translator's note
つづく! = to be CLIFFHAGER!
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
// Translator's note
Mihari: They say the detox is its big selling point.
Kaede: Oooooh! I can feel the toxins are leaving!
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)
Mahiro: So this day has finally arrived... The one-night onsen trip...
Mihari: Weren't you so happy about it earlier?
Mahiro: When I think about spending the night over there, my body gets all flustered! I must be allergic to the outside!!!
Nekotoufu, «Onii-chan is Done For!» (manga)