Это мой собственный цитатник. В отличии от Quotes.XML у меня на сайте, тут именно цитаты, а не (почти) афоризмы. Я беру их где только можно: в кино, в анимэ, в книгах, переписываю на бумажки, а поделиться не знаю как. И тут у меня возникла гениальная идея! Если уж создала цитатник для всякого хентая, то можно сделать тоже самое и в мирных целях. Так что появился вот такой вот блог ^^ Надеюсь, лень не помешает мне его пополнять более-менее периодично ^^
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Последнее обновление: 19.12.2024
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Дизайнер. Пользуется Проводником и Фотошопом, клавиатуру считает подставкой для пива, всех остальных – ламерами.
Бригадир Юрий Алексеевич, «Дневник тестировщика» (novel)
// Плохой дизайнер, однако!
Пользуется FARом, мышку считает признаком дебильности, всех остальных – ламерами.
Бригадир Юрий Алексеевич, «Дневник тестировщика» (novel)
– Запах... Ну, ты знаешь этот запах озона, запах... победы!
«GTA San Andreas» (game)
// Зеро в миссии «Supply lines» цитирует Киллгора из «Apocalypse Now!»
– He gave these bozos the greatest gift in the universe. You think he didn't give it to us too?
– Which gift?
– Free will, brother.
«City of Angels» (movie)
– How you feeling?
– Ready to hit the waves.
– Well, I'm afraid your bodysurfing days are over.
«City of Angels» (movie)
– How is Messinger?
– He's good. The operation went really well.
– It was a good day.
– It was. Yeah, l didn't kill anybody today.
«City of Angels» (movie)
– You better get out of here, Seth, or Security's gonna think you're a psych patient.
«City of Angels» (movie)
– Some things are true whether you believe in them or not.
«City of Angels» (movie)
– People die.
– Not on my table.
– People die when their bodies give out.
– It's my job to keep their bodies from giving out. Or what am l doing here?
«City of Angels» (movie)
– I was holding his heart in my hand when he died.
– Then he wasn't alone.
«City of Angels» (movie)
– I should've gone into pediatrics.
– Oh, no. Every guy you meet is either married or a gyno. Never date a man who knows more about your vagina than you do.
«City of Angels» (movie)
– If you'd have performed the operation yesterday like you were supposed to I'd be sucking carrots through a straw in my arm. What happened?
– Circumstances were not optimal for the procedure.
– Hey, I ain't «the procedure». My name is Nathan Messinger and I'm right here.
«City of Angels» (movie)
– You wanna get well or you want Ben & Jerry's?
«City of Angels» (movie)
– We fight for people's lives, right?
– Don't you ever wonder who it is we're fighting with?
«City of Angels» (movie)
– Have you ever been seen, Cassiel?
– You're looking at me.
– No, not by me, and not by the dying or the delirious. Have you ever been seen like you were a man?
– In a diner once, a blind woman turned to me all of a sudden and asked me to pass her the mustard.
– But she was blind.
– But she knew I was there.
«City of Angels» (movie)
– He's going.
– He's not going anywhere.
«City of Angels» (movie)
– Kid started walking. Three unassisted steps.
– Get it on video?
– l wasn't even there.
– You failed as a father already. How does that feel?
«City of Angels» (movie)
– The little girl asked me if she could be an angel.
– They all want wings.
– I never know what to say.
– Tell them the truth. Angels aren't human. We were never human.
– What if I just make her a little pair of wings out of paper?
– Tell her the truth.
– I told her.
– And? How did she take it?
– She said, «What good would wings be if you couldn't feel wind on your face?»
«City of Angels» (movie)
– This place makes Cambodia look like Kansas.
«Predator» (movie)
– This is getting better by the minute.
«Predator» (movie)
– We're a rescue team, not assassins.
«Predator» (movie)
– This cabinet minister, does he always travel on the wrong side of the border?
«Predator» (movie)
– If it bleeds, we can kill it.
«Predator» (movie)
– В этой схватке тебе не победить.
– Ну, может, ничья получится.
«Predator» (movie)
– Что это горит?
– Мы горим.
– Черт, ты прав!
«Alien: Resurrection» (movie)