24.03.2015 07:55:18 AM (GMT)

Вышибала попытался стукнуть его коленом в пах. Большой человек согнул вышибалу, перевернул его и правой рукой схватил за пояс. Пояс лопнул, как жилка в руках мясника. Тогда большой человек поднял вышибалу на огромных ручищах и швырнул его через комнату. Три человека успели отскочить с дороги. Вышибала перелетел через стол и с таким треском врезался в плинтус, что этот грохот, должно быть, слышали в Денвере. Вышибала судорожно подёргал ногами и затих.

24.03.2015 07:55:16 AM (GMT)

Грузный, толстошеий негр с розовыми подвязками на рукавах и бело-розовыми подтяжками через широкую спину опирался о стойку бара. У него на лбу было написано, что это вышибала. Он лениво повернулся и стал смотреть на нас, облизывая широким языком толстые губы. Его лицо было измочалено так, что казалось, по нему били всем, чем угодно, кроме, пожалуй, ковша экскаватора. Оно было расплющено, избито, изрубцовано. Этому лицу нечего было бояться. С ним было проделано все, до чего только можно додуматься.

24.03.2015 07:55:14 AM (GMT)

Я подошёл к подъезду. Происшедшее меня не касалось, а поэтому я толкнул двери и заглянул вовнутрь. В тот же момент из полумрака возникла рука, в которой я весь мог поместиться. Ручища метнулась к моему плечу и, больно его сдавив, тут же втянула меня через распахнувшиеся двери и поставила на нижнюю ступеньку лестницы.

18.03.2015 05:37:13 AM (GMT)

Sornald the maid: Hey, I've come up a good idea! "Chick Story Hovel", doesn't it sound so charming?

18.03.2015 05:37:10 AM (GMT)

<Noel> the bomber: I can feel it already... the suffering... the misery... the pain... You've killed many people this day, you should be proud. Little kids, girls, women, old men, the sick, the feeble, even those neither born nor conceived yet. My body's hot, excited, I can hardly breathe... I won't be able to sleep tonight. My thanks, these are for you.

18.03.2015 05:37:02 AM (GMT)







Something is turned into atoms. Something is turned into atoms. "Why me." Something is turned into atoms. "Nooooo....." Something is turned into atoms. "Why me." Something is turned into atoms. "Go to hell!" Something is turned into atoms. Something is turned into atoms. "Ahhhh...." Something is turned into atoms. "Nooooo....." Something is turned into atoms. Something is turned into atoms. "Arrr--rr..." Something is turned into atoms. "Beggars always cry..." Something is turned into atoms. "Beggars always cry..." Something is turned into atoms. Something is turned into atoms. "W-What have you done!" Something is turned into atoms. "Demon!" Something is turned into atoms. "A---ahh-" Something is turned into atoms. "Is it a joke?" Something is turned into atoms. "Mom...." Something is turned into atoms. "God will punish you." Something is turned into atoms. "Why me." Something is turned into atoms. Something is turned into atoms. Something is turned into atoms. "Is it a joke?" Something is turned into atoms. "God will punish you." Something is turned into atoms. Something is turned into atoms. "Go to hell!" Something is turned into atoms. "Please spare my life." Something is turned into atoms. "Why me." Something is turned into atoms. "Go to hell!" Something is turned into atoms. "How can you...." Something is turned into atoms. "Demon!" Something is turned into atoms. "I give up." Something is turned into atoms. "Please spare my life." Something is turned into atoms. Something is turned into atoms. Something is turned into atoms. "Why me." Something is turned into atoms. "I give up." Something is turned into atoms. "F-forgive me..." Something is turned into atoms. "Ahhhh...." Something is turned into atoms. "I give up." Something is turned into atoms. "Ahhhh...." Something is turned into atoms. "I give up." Something is turned into atoms. "Nooooo....." Something is turned into atoms. "It's a bitter tirade." Something is turned into atoms. Something is turned into atoms. "I give up." Something is turned into atoms. "Nooooo....." Something is turned into atoms. Something is turned into atoms. "Why me." Something is turned into atoms. "I hate this planet." Something is turned into atoms. "D-don't!" Something is turned into atoms. "Beggars always cry..." Something is turned into atoms. "Ahhhh!" Something is turned into atoms. "Go to hell!" Something is turned into atoms. Something is turned into atoms. "I got killed by a drunkard." Something is turned into atoms. "W-What have you done!" Something is turned into atoms. "I give up." Something is turned into atoms. "Why me." Something is turned into atoms. "Ahhhh...." Something is turned into atoms. "F-forgive me..." Something is turned into atoms. "I don't deserve this..." Something is turned into atoms. "Grrhhh" Something is turned into atoms. "Go to hell!" Something is turned into atoms. "Is it a joke?" Something is turned into atoms. Something is turned into atoms. "Demon!" Something is turned into atoms. "Nooooo....." Your journal has been updated. Karma(–80)

18.03.2015 05:36:53 AM (GMT)

You awake from your sleep. You shake off your fear. You start to take your cloths off.

18.03.2015 05:36:45 AM (GMT)

< Lucky Day >



18.03.2015 05:36:17 AM (GMT)

Action! Adventure! It's Card Battles!

<By DecMaster Schmidt>


Have you been looking for a game that your kids can play that doesn't involve lawn darts, a dead yeek, and a bit of twine?




Coming Soon to the Country of North Tyris, a brand new game involving gathering cards, duels, and bizarre hairstyles that require exstensive Gene-engineering to even be possible!


Sequal to the once popular game Monster Duels, which is in turn the sequal to Wizards & Magic!


Become the King of Games!


– Coming as soon as the Etherwind permits long-haul cargo. –

18.03.2015 04:09:03 AM (GMT)

Whoever's driving that mean 350Z wants to take you down bad. Don't let it happen.

18.03.2015 04:08:59 AM (GMT)

Chad might be number one now, but you сan make him number 2 in less time than it takes to boil an egg.

18.03.2015 04:08:51 AM (GMT)

Destroy or be destroyed!

18.03.2015 04:08:46 AM (GMT)

Think you're fast down the straight? Here are three seriously tricked out RX-7's trying to prove that you're not!

18.03.2015 04:08:42 AM (GMT)

Guess who's on the cover of Maxi Tuning next month?

18.03.2015 04:08:35 AM (GMT)

It's late. No one else is on the road. You have 2:17.00 minutes to get there or Samantha will be gone.

18.03.2015 04:08:27 AM (GMT)

You're up against Jose for the number 6 spot in circuits. He's a good guy but he's not going easy on you.

18.03.2015 04:08:19 AM (GMT)

Chad says he's taking you seriously this time. Send him home disappointed by claiming the 7th spot in the rankings.

18.03.2015 04:08:12 AM (GMT)

There's a guy with a camera in the crowd, he looks important, you'd better put on a good show and grab 7th spot in the rankings.

18.03.2015 04:08:06 AM (GMT)

Are you hot or not?

18.03.2015 04:07:58 AM (GMT)

The Low-down: You should know the drill by now Get to TJ in under 2:17.00 and he will trick your ride out some more.

18.03.2015 04:06:33 AM (GMT)

Welcome to Underground Mode! Your racing career starts here. Take on the toughest drivers on the street and prove you are the ultimate racer. Winners earn cool unlocks and upgrades. Losers go home.

18.03.2015 01:55:29 AM (GMT)

Я: Очевидно, это засор. Давайте я разберу его и проверю внутренние трубки.

НАСА (после пятичасовых раздумий): Нет. Ты облажаешься и умрёшь.

Поэтому я его разобрал.

18.03.2015 01:55:28 AM (GMT)

На данный момент мы установили, что это не электроника виновата, не система охлаждения, не контрольно-измерительные приборы и не температура. Уверен, где-то просто появилась маленькая дырочка, и НАСА устроит четырёхчасовое совещание, после чего предложит мне заклеить её изолентой.

18.03.2015 01:55:27 AM (GMT)

Венкат, передайте комиссии по расследованию, пусть охотятся на ведьм без меня. А когда они предсказуемо обвинят во всем капитана Льюис, имейте в виду, я публично это опровергну. Уверен, другие члены команды меня поддержат.

Также, пожалуйста, передайте им всем, что их матери – шлюхи.


P.S.: И сестры тоже.

18.03.2015 01:55:26 AM (GMT)

Нет, мы не предложим нашей ботанической команде «отправиться в жопу». Я понимаю, ты долгое время был один, но теперь мы связаны, и лучше бы тебе прислушаться к нашим указаниям.