Это мой собственный цитатник. В отличии от Quotes.XML у меня на сайте, тут именно цитаты, а не (почти) афоризмы. Я беру их где только можно: в кино, в анимэ, в книгах, переписываю на бумажки, а поделиться не знаю как. И тут у меня возникла гениальная идея! Если уж создала цитатник для всякого хентая, то можно сделать тоже самое и в мирных целях. Так что появился вот такой вот блог ^^ Надеюсь, лень не помешает мне его пополнять более-менее периодично ^^
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– Ведь у нас великий долг – спасение всего бела света.
«Bikini Warriors» (anime)
– Анонимность защищает лучше, чем бронежилет.
«NCIS» (western TV series)
– Ah-choo! Maybe someone's talking 'bout me.
– Seriously? Guess I gotta kick their ass.
– They might be saying good things, ya know.
– Then I'll definitely have to kick their ass. I'm pretty possessive you know.
«Did she just say something totally awesome like it was no big deal?»
Kuzushiro, «Nicochuu» (manga)
– How many times have I told you not to smoke at school?
– S-sorry 'bout that, Mai-sempai. My mouth got lonely, so I just kinda...
– Huh?! They'll suspend you if you get caught, right? So if that's your only reason, find something else to keep it busy. If you're gonna be like that then why don't ya just gimme a kiss!?
Kuzushiro, «Nicochuu» (manga)
– Этим девочкам нужна серьёзная помощь.
Kuzushiro, «Love / Death» (manga)
// Речь идёт о героинях-яндере
– В болезни и здравии, в горе и в радости, клянусь всю свою жизнь любить тебя так сильно, что готова буду даже убить тебя.
Kuzushiro, «Love / Death» (manga)
– Дело не в том, что меня нет рядом, когда тебе одиноко, Аккии, а в том, что тебе одиноко именно потому, что меня нет рядом.
Kuzushiro, «Love / Death» (manga)
– The only thing you can do is accept this.
Urushibara Yuki, «Mushishi» (manga)
Ginko: What kind of person you turn out to be depends on what decisions you make.
Urushibara Yuki, «Mushishi» (manga)
Ginko: That mushi have their own business to tend to. If you keep involving them for your own reasons, it'll lead to a bad end.
Urushibara Yuki, «Mushishi» (manga)
– There are a lot of things that I can't see here. All this time they've been watching. Are those... mushi?
– That wasn't mushi. It was an hallucination that your mind spawned from your fear of the darkness.
Urushibara Yuki, «Mushishi» (manga)
– Can I ask a question? This Kooki... What is it?
– It's what the essence of life looks like. It's the ultimate panacea for mushi-caused sickness.
– And mushi...?
– Well... it's one group of things that make up the world. Nothing more, nothing less.
Urushibara Yuki, «Mushishi» (manga)
– People who go to sea for living never know what the future will bring. So we're already as prepared as we can be for whatever happens.
Urushibara Yuki, «Mushishi» (manga)
– You shouldn't look at it too much. That light is poison to the eyes. If you get too used to looking at it, you won't be able to see in sunlight anymore. If you want a river of light, look at the one in the sky. That one shines at night. It's a river bathed in sunlight, and that's how it shines. Look at that river instead.
Urushibara Yuki, «Mushishi» (manga)
// Ginko about Kooki and Milky Way
«The snake of dawn»
It was fun drawing the naturally absentminded mother. I feel sorry for her son, but...
Urushibara Yuki, «Mushishi» (manga)
// Author's note
This is fifth volume, which means it's already been five years since I started drawing Mushishi. Which also means that Ginko, who I always pictured as being in his late twenties, has become younger than me. An occurrence that pains me. Ginko, as well, has seemed to age a little over the years of telling this story, but the flow of time for him is quite a bit slower, so I am very jealous.
Urushibara Yuki, «Mushishi» (manga)
// Author's note
Warm breezes... The fragrance of flowers... The sound of a loom... Such things should exist to send us into deep, deep pools of sleep.
Urushibara Yuki, «Mushishi» (manga)
Ginko: Does your wife have trouble getting to sleep at night?
Man: Hm...? She sleeps fine. Snores pretty good too.
Ginko: Oh, that's okay, then.
Man: No it isn't! She's so loud, I can't sleep!
Urushibara Yuki, «Mushishi» (manga)
Man: Lately, my wife sleeps all of the time. She hardly wakes up enough to make breakfast.
Ginko: Like that saying, «In spring, people oversleep without knowing...» something or other.
Man: But these days, she's forgetting everything. It's gotten really bad. Just a little while back, she left our kids in the marketplace. That is bad!
Ginko: As long as she doesn't forget who you are when you get home.
Man: Heh. I'd almost be happy if she did.
Urushibara Yuki, «Mushishi» (manga)
– Побеждает не тот, кто мануалы читает, а тот, кто в Гугле дальше третьей страницы смотрит!
Seo Hiroshi, «Ubunchu!» (manga)
– Если не хочешь умирать долгой и мучительной смертью, то лучше не уворачивайся и умри как настоящий мужчина!
Seo Hiroshi, «Ubunchu!» (manga)
– Мои предки не для того отдали свои жизни в Пёрл-Харборе, чтобы потом мы жрали пиццу, смотрели анимэ и юзали Винду.
Seo Hiroshi, «Ubunchu!» (manga)
– Само твоё существование – провокация против меня!
«Ixion Saga DT» (anime)
– Эй, молодой человек, ищите приятную компанию? У нас много милых девушек.
«На самом деле, сейчас я ищу... абсолютно немилого старикашку».
«Ixion Saga DT» (anime)
// Кон разыскивает Сэнглейна в районе красных фонарей
Kai: What are you?!
Ginko: Me? I'm nobody to be afraid of.
Urushibara Yuki, «Mushishi» (manga)